- “To Linda Neil and The Settlement Company: Thanks for always being there for us, as a company and as a personal friend you have always been a good associate to have. I have met a lot of people in the Mexican real estate business and I have yet to meet one with the knowledge and experience that you have in all aspects of the field. Thank you for doing our closings, answering our questions and being a leader in the real estate community. Sincerely.” Brian Westerlund.
- “Hello Linda & John: Congratulations on your 20 years as Pioneers in the adventure of Real Estate in Mexico. No easy task. You are a truly one stop shop for Americans doing business in Real State south of the border. The service you provide is beyond and offers a safe harbor for both experienced & new investors of Mexican Real State.It is a pleasure to count on you as good friends. Thanks for all you do for us.” – Afrian A. Arriaga, AAA Real Estate & Investments.
- “Linda: It’s so great to hear about you, give my best to John too, congratulations, you have been one of my best examples of life, and I thank God for your presence in my life.: Also, with great joy I´d like to congratulate for the 20th anniversary of The Settlement Company, I know how much hard work and effort is involved.: For many, many more years!!! With love:” – Ana Mendez.
- “I have living and working in the Los Cabos Mexico área forthepast 14 years. I was introduced to The Settlement Company through my Broker at Baja Properties. I would highly recommend the services that The Settlement Company provides and I would say that I almost exclusively use them for all of my clients Real Estate Transaction’s. They have a wealth of knowledge to offer and provide consultations on paper on work in progress, capital gains calculations and tax strategies( just to name a few) along with outstanding buyers and sellers closing services. You will find the staff to be courteous and always helpful, fluent in English for our foreign clients. Extremely knowledgeable and able to navigate through the mountains of paperwork with ease always finding the perfect path to travel which provides me with happy customers. Give them a call, will be happy you did.” – Connie Marie Meyerhoff.
- “Linda Neil deserves an award and recognition from the Mexican Government and, also, from all of the expatriate living in Baja. You have done a great service for many people. Mexico is a better place because of Linda Neil.” Dennis Hasselberg.
- “Linda congratulations on your 20 years! You certainly brought expertise and confidence to my purchase of property in La Paz… You care and integrity, shine through and are greatly appreciated. Thanks!” – Cliff Brooks.
- “Dear Linda and Associates: Congratulations on your 20 years of success and making our lives easier in Mexico. Your perseverance and tenacity in dealing with Terrasol Titles is much appreciated and will hopefully be rewarded this year.: All the best and continued success.” – Alain and Crystal Bedard, Terrasol Perla.
- “Congratulations, Linda!: Your 20 years of hard work has benefited many people. Good for you. Best wishes for continuing success for your company and for you… Hugs and love!” – Polly.
- “Linda: You and I met some years ago at the International Visitors Information Center on the waterfront of downtown San Diego: Since then, I have enjoyed the newsletters and Baja Updates, and have fished several times on the East Cape.: Just want you to know I do appreciate the news of Baja, and will, after having hip replacement surgery, be back fishing out of Los Barriles in late July. This is a family trip with my children, and a great time for all of us. So thanks for keeping me on the mailing list.” – Ed Hoffman, San Diego.
- “Congratulations!: Professionalism in real estate dealings instills confidence, not only in buyers and sellers, but in the communities they represent, and in the end that benefits everyone who lives here, works here or vacations here. In my experience, The Settlement Company has always been outstanding at and committed to professionalism, transparency, and making sure real estate consumers are educated enough to have a good experience buying real estate in Mexico.” – Catherine Krantz, Another Day in Paradise.
- “I would just like to say congratulations and thank you John and Linda for your generosity sharing your time, your knowledge and your family with me. Even thought I have not had the privilege to work a transaction with you I have had the honor to live my own Baja dream and other´s as well had quite an enriching experience.: May God bless you with many more years of success stories.” – Anabelle Rossell.
- “Congratulations for all your success. I can’t wait to do business with you. You run a truly professional business.” – Carol Barber.
- “Congratulations Linda, you have done a great job.” – Evelyn Pepper, Remax Los cabos.
- “Congratulations Linda way to go. Lots of hard work over the years I am sure.” – Mary Lu.
- “Linda: Congratulations for your pioneering work in contributing to the orderly transfer of real property ownership in Mexico.: Life is a Celebration, however your 20 years is a special milestone.” – Jorge L. Cantero.
- “Congratulations!: It is not easy to celebrate 20 years of a continued business. I wish you the best for the next 20 years, and more!” – Mauricio Saenz.
- “Hello Linda!: I would like to congratulate you and The Settlement Company.: I have been Reading your articles about real estate in Mexico for over ten years. You are definitely a pioneer and pillar to this industry throughout Mexico and have shown, promoted and developed the professionalism that many realtors use and should use as their benchmark.: I have a consulted with you and The Settlement Company on many occasions and valued your opinion tremendously – your knowledge of real state, your experience with people in Mexico, and your overall sense of business.: Once again congratulations. Over the past years, you and your team have brought vast credibility to this lovely country of Mexico as an important second home market viable resort investments alternative. One of your great fans:” – Thomas Lloyd.
- “Hola Sra. Linda!: Muchas felicidades a usted y todo su equipo de colaboradores por estos 20 años de operaciones en la Republica Mexicana, es un gusto y placer poder festejar este aniversario y que nos hagan participes de sus logros a través de este tiempo, que como emprsabarguardista en el ramo inmobiliario se han identificado po su profesionalismo, seriedad y confianza que brindan a sus clientes. Es muy gratificante que personas como usted se preocupen por el crecimientos económico de nuestro estado y nuestro país.” – C.P. Marbella Bernal Hernandez.